Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to make New Years resolutions: A few tips


    The new year is quickly approaching and with it (once our hangovers have faded!), endless opportunities for positive change and growth! May this opportune time of year year be a springboard to make some necessary (and some simply desired) life changes. A staggering percentage of people across the nation have reported that their  resolutions consist of a better diet and more exercise. Now while those goals are fantastic, we want to offer you some additional all-encompassing resolution tips of our own in order to help you better formulate yours! Happy resolution-making and more importantly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 

1. Don't let a week go by (even better if not even a day!) without telling someone you love them...out loud. Pets count. So does your reflection. :)

2. For every time someone initiates, initiate twice.

3. Write down the five things you are most grateful for. Put it someplace where you will see it every day.

4.  In order to save more, you have to just buy less. Are you really ever going to wear those super random shoes that are on sale?

5. Get a "good decision" piggy bank. Give yourself a dollar every time you do something difficult such as go the gym, get a good grade or a positive review, or make a difficult phone call. Then at the end of the year, use that money to buy yourself a "good decision" gift. You've earned it.

6.  If you can't find something decent to watch in TV, turn if off and read a book instead. Or this blog. :)

7. Rock out at least once a week in your undies a la Cameron Diaz in the opening scene of Charlie's Angels. Bonus points if you have the superman booty shorts.

8. All together now: NO DRUNK TEXTING OF EXES!!! ...Or tweeting...or status-updating...etc. etc.

9. Make it a point to have quality girl time, i.e. coffee, shopping, a night out, etc.- at least once a week.

10. Start a journal. Write down whatever pops into your head first. If you can't think of anything, start off with writing down five reasons why you would want to date yourself.

11. Visit a place (even if it's local!) you've never been to before.

12. Stay informed. That means reading the newspaper and watching the news.

13. Finally pick up that new hobby that you've been meaning to for a while yet never found the time, whether it's learning a new language, playing the guitar, or learning how to surf. Make the time; you won't regret it.

14. Do something that scares you, i.e. bungee jump, take a bold fashion risk, or finally ask your boss for that long overdue raise.

15. Volunteer. Whether it's helping battered women, the homeless, or abandoned pets, taking the focus off ourselves makes us more empathetic and human.

16. Donate all the old clothes you no longer want or fit in because you've been exercising :) This is also the perfect excuse to make room for new clothes. :)

17. Become more eco-friendly by reducing your carbon footprint. Recycle, start a carpool to conserve gas (or even ride a bike if possible!), and participate in trash clean-up days.

18. Once a week, reconnect via phone or e-mail with someone you haven't spoken to in a while.

19. Promise yourself to emotionally let go of any negative influences in your life, whether it be a guy, a co-worker, or a "friend." These people will only succeed in bringing you down and making your life miserable- not what 2010 is about!

20. View the glass as half full...always.

And with that we raise a glass to you, our dear readers! May 2010 bring you all the love, peace, success, and joy that you so very much deserve!!! Have a blast tomorrow night, but as usual, play kindly and safely! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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