Friday, July 16, 2010
Are you falling in love too fast?
by Anna Harris
I's no surprise that whirlwind romances — like Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom marrying after 30 days or Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes going from dating to married to parents in under two years — get everyone gasping. After dating for just one month, Cruise declared his devotion to Holmes on Oprah. The Kardashian/Odom wedding was practically a blur, with many presuming it to be a publicity stunt. The two remain married and have yet to announce any baby plans.
Lightning-fast romance always gets everyone talking: Is it possible to really fall that fast? Can an intense love like that last? Everyone has an opinion, and the reason is probably because we’ve all been there at some point — that is, swept up in a relationship that’s moving so swiftly it’s making our heads spin.
Sure, falling hard and fast can be exhilarating, but it can also be a little scary. Should you barrel ahead, celebrating that you’ve found The One, or put the brakes on for fear that you’ll get your heart broken? We posed that very question to some leading relationship experts to see what’s the best way to proceed. Try their advice and you may be able to reap all the heady benefits of being head-over-heels without getting burned. Browse Local Singles at on Yahoo!
Know the difference between a tide and an undertow
“I think people have to allow for a bit of a giddy whirlwind,” says Lynn Harris, relationship expert and author of He Loved Me, He Loves Me Not, who married her husband just a year after they met. “People who spend too much time analyzing what’s going on and playing it safe suck all the romance out of it.” Even so, there is a big difference between being swept up and feeling completely out of control. So ask yourself: If your new love interest asks you to do something you’re uncomfortable with — say, heading to a dicey-looking club on your second date — do you feel fine voicing your reservations, or do you sweep them under the rug to avoid ruining the moment? “If you feel like you have to act a certain way, then that’s a sign you’re not comfortable with this person. You're just comfortable with the idea of being in a whirlwind romance,” points out Harris. Bottom line, any long-term relationship needs your input, good and bad. More on how to do that next...
Slow things down without hurting anyone’s feelings
If you think things are rushing along too quickly, you owe it to the relationship to say so. However, avoid the usual lines like “I think we need to take things slower” or “I need some space” — these clichés will only set off alarm bells and make your amour think you’re trying to wiggle out of the relationship. Instead, be specific by explaining, “I’d love to see you this weekend, but a friend of mine is going through a rough time so I’m going to hang out with her” or “A work project is killing me and I’ll feel better if I hunker down and finish it so I can relax the next time we’re together.” If your date presses the issue, put his or her fears to rest by framing your time apart as a way to keep your relationship healthy for the long run. Say, “I’m really into you and I don’t want to mess this up by moving too fast.” To reassure your sweetie further, make a plan to see each other on a date you’ll be more available — that way your date’s not left hanging and wondering if the relationship’s on the rocks.
Don’t act on every impulse
Are you thinking of your sweetie and tempted to call to say so... for the fifth time that day? That’s sweet, but before you dial the digits, know this: not all impulses are meant to be acted upon. “People misinterpret feelings for phone calls. They don’t have to be one and the same,” says Harris. “Just sit back and enjoy the buzz. Enjoy the fact that you just hung up the phone and want to pick it up again. That’s awesome.” And enough already! This rule especially holds true for emailing and instant messaging — mediums that encourage you to reveal all sorts of personal info but that can easily breed a false sense of intimacy. So before hitting that “send” button, ask yourself: Would you feel comfortable coughing up this info in person? If not, save it for later.
Curb conversations about the future
So you’d love to take a romantic cruise to Alaska together this fall. Or you’ve always dreamt of having your wedding on the beach at sunset. Or you’re certain you want at least three kids, ideally five. Discussing your future dreams with your new flame may seem really romantic, but indulging in it too often can be a red flag. “This indicates that you’re more into the idea of being in a relationship than with the actual person in front of you,” points out Laurie Puhn, J.D., author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words To Change Your Life. If your conversations tend to veer in that direction, consider an “activity date” like going to an art museum or taking a walk in the park which will force you to focus on things right in front of you — as well as each other.
Wait to say "I love you" (even if you think you do)
When you’re in a relationship that feels so right, it can be tempting to utter those three little worlds on the early side. Harris advises against it: “The first time you feel like saying it, count to 10, go home and say it to your cat,” she says. After all, your feelings could be due to the fact that you two just shared a really romantic evening together. There’s also the risk that the feelings might not be mutual yet. So before you take this step, ask yourself: Will you be able to accept if your date doesn’t say “I love you” back, or will you be crushed? If it’s the latter, then it’s probably best to hold off until more time has passed and you’re more confident about each other’s intentions.
If, on the other hand, you’re on the receiving end of an early “I love you,” don’t feel obliged to say it back if you’re not feeling it yet. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore the overture or, worse yet, give them a lecture about how they couldn’t possibly feel that way so soon. “This person has just made him- or herself really vulnerable, so you want to be careful,” says Harris. Try, “I’m so touched you just said that, and I feel strongly for you. It’s hard for me to use that word right now but feel like I may be getting there, too.” Who knows; maybe you will sooner than you think!
7 Ways to Ruin Your Resume
by Hillary Chura
In the time it takes you to read this paragraph, the average recruiter will have plowed through six resumes. (We know; we timed one.) Want to increase the chances of your resume making it to the next round? Then don’t do any of these seven things, which recruiters say — more than anything — make them want to push the “shred” button.
(For more resume tips, check out our interactive critique of an actual resume.)
1. Apply for a job for which you are not remotely qualified
Many candidates believe the job hunt is a numbers game — drop enough resumes, and you’re bound to land something. But shotguns are for hunting pheasant, not finding jobs. The reality is that recruiters hate wasting time on resumes from unqualified candidates. Morgan Miller, an executive recruiter at StaffMark, recalls the security guard who applied to be a financial risk manager (maybe Lehman should have hired him), while Scott Ragusa at Winter, Wyman talks of the aerial photographer who sought out a position as a tax specialist.
“Sorting through unqualified resumes is frustrating, unproductive and puts an extra burden on staff,” says Katherine Swift, Senior Account Director at KCSA Strategic Communications in Natick, Mass. “It also makes it much more challenging to find the right candidate.” So the next time you’re thinking of blasting out resumes to all 60 of the job listings on that have the word “finance” in them , save your time (and that of the recruiters) and only apply for ones for which you’re qualified.
2. Include a lofty mission statement
More than ever, today’s savage job market is about the company, not the candidate. As such, mission or objective statements — particularly ones with an applicant’s hopes, dreams, and health insurance aspirations — will dispatch otherwise fine resumes to the circular file. Employers don’t care about how they can solve your problems — certainly not before they’ve met you and possibly not even after they’ve hired you. Instead, write an “objectives” statement that explains specifically how your skills and experience will help the company you’re applying to, not the other way around. And be very clear about what kind of job you’re seeking.
3. Use one generic resume for every job listing
To stand out amongst the sea of resumes that recruiters receive, yours must speak to each and every specific position, even recycling some of the language from the job description itself. Make it obvious that you will start solving problems even before you’ve recorded your outgoing voicemail message. Your CV or query letter should include a just touch of industry lingo — sufficient to prove you know your stuff but not so much that you sound like a robot. And it should speak to individual company issues and industry challenges, with specifics on how you have personally improved customer loyalty, efficiency, and profitability at past jobs, says workplace and performance consultant Jay Forte. Plus, each morsel should be on point.
“Think hard about how to best leverage each piece of information to your job search advantage,” says Wendy Enelow, a career consultant and trainer in Virginia. “Nothing in your resume should be arbitrary, from what you include in your job descriptions and achievement statements, to whether your education or experience comes first [recent grads may want to put education first] to how you format your contact information.”
4. Make recruiters or hiring managers guess how exactly you can help their client
Sourcing experts want to know — immediately — what someone can offer, and they won’t spend time noodling someone’s credentials. “Animal, vegetable or mineral? Doctor, lawyer or Indian chief?That’s what I’m wondering every time I open a resume. If it takes me more than a split second to figure this out, I feel frustrated,” says Mary O’Gorman, a veteran recruiter based in Brooklyn.
5. Don’t explain how past experience translates to a new position
Though candidates should avoid jobs where they have no experience, they absolutely should pursue new areas and positions if they can position their experience effectively. A high school English teacher applying for new jobs, for example, can cite expertise in human resource management, people skills, record keeping, writing, and training, says Anthony Pensabene, a professional writer who works with executives.
“Titles are just semantics; candidates need to relate their ‘actual’ skills and experiences to the job they’re applying for in their resume,” Pensabene says. An applicant who cannot be bothered to identify the parallels between the two likely won’t be bothered with interviews, either.
6. Don’t include a cover letter with your resume
A cover letter should always accompany a resume — even if it’s going to your best friend. And that doesn’t mean a lazy “I’m _____ and I’m looking for a job in New York; please see my attached resume.” Says Lindsay Olson, a partner at Manhattan’s Paradigm Staffing: “I’d like to know why you are contacting me (a particular position, referral, etc.), a short background about yourself, and a career highlight or two. It’s important to attempt to set yourself apart from the competition.”
7. Be careless with details
Reckless job hunters rarely make for conscientious workers. As such, even promising resumes must abide by age-old dictums: typo-free, proper organization, and no embellishment. Susan Whitcomb, author of Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer, says that almost 80 percent of HR managers she surveyed said they would dismiss otherwise qualified candidates who break these rules. She tells the story of one would-be employer who, when looking for an assistant, decided not to hire anyone because every resume she received contained typos.
“With a 6-to-1 ratio of jobseekers-to-jobs in the current marketplace, you can’t afford to make mistakes with your resume,” Whitcomb says.
In the time it takes you to read this paragraph, the average recruiter will have plowed through six resumes. (We know; we timed one.) Want to increase the chances of your resume making it to the next round? Then don’t do any of these seven things, which recruiters say — more than anything — make them want to push the “shred” button.
(For more resume tips, check out our interactive critique of an actual resume.)
1. Apply for a job for which you are not remotely qualified
Many candidates believe the job hunt is a numbers game — drop enough resumes, and you’re bound to land something. But shotguns are for hunting pheasant, not finding jobs. The reality is that recruiters hate wasting time on resumes from unqualified candidates. Morgan Miller, an executive recruiter at StaffMark, recalls the security guard who applied to be a financial risk manager (maybe Lehman should have hired him), while Scott Ragusa at Winter, Wyman talks of the aerial photographer who sought out a position as a tax specialist.
“Sorting through unqualified resumes is frustrating, unproductive and puts an extra burden on staff,” says Katherine Swift, Senior Account Director at KCSA Strategic Communications in Natick, Mass. “It also makes it much more challenging to find the right candidate.” So the next time you’re thinking of blasting out resumes to all 60 of the job listings on that have the word “finance” in them , save your time (and that of the recruiters) and only apply for ones for which you’re qualified.
2. Include a lofty mission statement
More than ever, today’s savage job market is about the company, not the candidate. As such, mission or objective statements — particularly ones with an applicant’s hopes, dreams, and health insurance aspirations — will dispatch otherwise fine resumes to the circular file. Employers don’t care about how they can solve your problems — certainly not before they’ve met you and possibly not even after they’ve hired you. Instead, write an “objectives” statement that explains specifically how your skills and experience will help the company you’re applying to, not the other way around. And be very clear about what kind of job you’re seeking.
3. Use one generic resume for every job listing
To stand out amongst the sea of resumes that recruiters receive, yours must speak to each and every specific position, even recycling some of the language from the job description itself. Make it obvious that you will start solving problems even before you’ve recorded your outgoing voicemail message. Your CV or query letter should include a just touch of industry lingo — sufficient to prove you know your stuff but not so much that you sound like a robot. And it should speak to individual company issues and industry challenges, with specifics on how you have personally improved customer loyalty, efficiency, and profitability at past jobs, says workplace and performance consultant Jay Forte. Plus, each morsel should be on point.
“Think hard about how to best leverage each piece of information to your job search advantage,” says Wendy Enelow, a career consultant and trainer in Virginia. “Nothing in your resume should be arbitrary, from what you include in your job descriptions and achievement statements, to whether your education or experience comes first [recent grads may want to put education first] to how you format your contact information.”
4. Make recruiters or hiring managers guess how exactly you can help their client
Sourcing experts want to know — immediately — what someone can offer, and they won’t spend time noodling someone’s credentials. “Animal, vegetable or mineral? Doctor, lawyer or Indian chief?That’s what I’m wondering every time I open a resume. If it takes me more than a split second to figure this out, I feel frustrated,” says Mary O’Gorman, a veteran recruiter based in Brooklyn.
5. Don’t explain how past experience translates to a new position
Though candidates should avoid jobs where they have no experience, they absolutely should pursue new areas and positions if they can position their experience effectively. A high school English teacher applying for new jobs, for example, can cite expertise in human resource management, people skills, record keeping, writing, and training, says Anthony Pensabene, a professional writer who works with executives.
“Titles are just semantics; candidates need to relate their ‘actual’ skills and experiences to the job they’re applying for in their resume,” Pensabene says. An applicant who cannot be bothered to identify the parallels between the two likely won’t be bothered with interviews, either.
6. Don’t include a cover letter with your resume
A cover letter should always accompany a resume — even if it’s going to your best friend. And that doesn’t mean a lazy “I’m _____ and I’m looking for a job in New York; please see my attached resume.” Says Lindsay Olson, a partner at Manhattan’s Paradigm Staffing: “I’d like to know why you are contacting me (a particular position, referral, etc.), a short background about yourself, and a career highlight or two. It’s important to attempt to set yourself apart from the competition.”
7. Be careless with details
Reckless job hunters rarely make for conscientious workers. As such, even promising resumes must abide by age-old dictums: typo-free, proper organization, and no embellishment. Susan Whitcomb, author of Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer, says that almost 80 percent of HR managers she surveyed said they would dismiss otherwise qualified candidates who break these rules. She tells the story of one would-be employer who, when looking for an assistant, decided not to hire anyone because every resume she received contained typos.
“With a 6-to-1 ratio of jobseekers-to-jobs in the current marketplace, you can’t afford to make mistakes with your resume,” Whitcomb says.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
10 Things That Are Ruining Your Skin
by Liz Brody, Shine Staff
"As the crow flies" is usually welcome news. Except when those avian feet head straight for your face and leave their telltale tracks around the eyes. But if aging is inevitable, its pace definitely isn't. As for breakouts, dryness, and general epidermal malaise? Here's what's wrecking your skin—and how to turn it around:
1. The Kate Gosselin Effect. We're talking about overexposure—solar, in this case.(If we'd called this one "Sun," your eyes might have glazed.) From wrinkles to cancer, photoaging is "the single biggest cause of damage to the skin," declares Skin Care & Repair, a new report from Harvard Medical School.
Skin Fix: You know the drill—sunscreen that's least SPF 30 and protects against both UVA and UVB rays. (Men, don't forget behind the ears and neck). Consumer Reports' top-rated product this year is Up & Up Sport Continuous SPF 30 from Target. Most dermatologists aren't concerned about retinyl palmitate, which controversial research suggests may actually cause cancer, but if you are, Alba Botanica Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30 doesn't contain the ingredient (see Environmental Working Group for others.) You can also wash your clothes with SunGuard for an extra SPF kicker.
2. Worrying About It: Stress wages chemical warfare: Pro-inflammatory neuropeptides make the skin more reactive (worsening acne and psoriasis, for example), while hormones like adrenaline constrict your blood vessels, depriving the tissue of nutrients, explains Rick Fried, MD, PhD, a dermatologist, psychologist, and clinical director of Yardley Dermatology Associates in Pennsylvania. "Long-term stress," he says, "can cause the production of cortisol, which potentially leads to thinning of the skin."
Skin Fix: Guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, hypnosis, biofeedback, exercise, yoga, and tai chi are all good ways to manage stress and help improve your complexion, says Fried.
3. Being Picky: Squeezing pimples and picking blemishes are not winning strategies for anyone. "But this is the top wrecker for brown skin," says Susan Taylor, MD, director of the Skin of Color Center at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center. "Just about any manipulation—especially if the skin is already inflamed—will result in hyperpigmentation (discoloration), which can last months to years and is very difficult to treat."
Skin Fix: If your skin is inflamed, see a dermatologist ASAP. A steriod injection, for example, can make the problem go away quickly without leaving marks.
4. Cheating Sleep: A candle may be a girl's best friend (what lighting is more flattering?) but don't burn it at both ends. "Stress hormones are at their lowest during sleep, while the anti-inflammatory molecules are at their highest," says New York dermatologist and psychiatrist Amy Wechsler, MD, author of The Mind-Beauty Connection. "So the less you sleep, the worse for your skin."
Skin Fix: "The studies say you should get 8 hours, but it's hard," Wechsler notes. "Start by adding 30 minutes, and see if you can tell the difference."
5. Drying Out: Alcohol, cold weather, washing diligently in hot water—they can all dehydrate the skin.
Skin Fix: Jenny Kim, MD, PhD, associate professor of medicine and dermatology at ULCA's David Geffen School of Medicine, recommends using moisturizers with ceramides, but says any will do. Based on her own research which was published last year, she says, "There's no evidence that taking vitamins A and C orally will improve the skin, but in topical creams they seem to be anti-aging." The operative word, she stresses, is "seem." More research is needed. In the meantime, she says, "stick to companies that have tested their products and will show you the data."
6. Lip Balm: "Ironically, many lip balms contain phenol, which dries out your lips like nothing else," says Wechsler. "It feels good when you put it on, but soon you need more."
Skin Fix. Read the ingredient list. Carmex has phenol; Burt's Bees doesn't.
7. Tattoo Remorse: Studies suggest that about 20 percent of inked clients are unhappy with their tattoos. For those who decide to get them removed, the process is lengthy, costly, and very painful—a nightmare, says Wechsler, and the skin never really looks the same.
Skin Fix: There's a new encapsulated ink called Freedom2 that can be removed in one or two treatments as opposed to 8 or 10—much less traumatic to the skin.
8. Tanning Salons: You might as well call them "cancer booths." A University of Minnesota study published in May found that people who logged 50 hours or more in tanning booths, had up to three times the odds of developing melanoma, the deadly form of skin cancer.
Skin Fix: Get your bronze glow from self tanners—spray, lotion, gel, or wipes.
9. Combo-Creaming: A common mistake among the acne-prone is thinking: The more creams, the better. "People use 3 or 4 products at a time, and end up just drying their skin out," says Wechsler. "And that just makes them break out worse."
Skin Fix: If you can't find one over-the-counter product that works, see a professional. "Acne is not just from the oils. It's also from irritation and inflammation," Wechsler says.
10. Cigarettes: Aside from lung cancer, they cause wrinkles and are clearly associated with destroying skin elasticity. "Damage," says the Harvard report, "occurs with every cigarette smoked."
Skin Fix: There are all kinds of aids to help you quit—support groups, nicotine-replacement products, and drugs like Zyban and Chantix.
At the end of the day? Ask someone whose career depends on keeping her complexion stunningly pristine: "I'm not an expert," says 36-year-old model Kate Dillon (featured in the April issue of Vogue), "but I think you can enhance the vibrancy of your skin by drinking water, eating avocados and salmon with omega-3s, and being active." She stops for a moment, and laughs. "Good genes and a forgiving light, help too."
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
How to Keep Your Diet on Track
You’ve been dieting for a few months and have dropped some weight. You’re feeling pretty good about your progress and then—bam!—something gets in the way that threatens to land you back where you started. You’re not alone: I’ve counseled countless clients who assume they’ve mastered the art of healthy eating and then one day realize the number on the scale is sneaking up on them. When I take a closer look, I see that their problems tend to fit into one of five categories. Here’s what to watch out for and how to get back on track in no time.
Diet Advice That’s Making You Fat
7 Weight Loss Transformations Couples Edition
Diet Derailer #1: You’re Bored
In the beginning, dieting was kind of exciting. Yes, it was hard, but it was also an adventure—you got to think about food in a different way and try new recipes and meal plans. But once you did all that, the excitement probably died down. You figured out which foods fit into your plan, and you stuck with them. Is there anything wrong with oatmeal for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch and grilled chicken for dinner? Absolutely not. But if you eat that almost every day, chances are you won’t feel satisfied, which means you may need a larger portion to feel full. Or, just to beat the boredom, you might start reverting to the old high-cal favorites that you “gave up” when you decided to lose weight.
To Stay on Course...
Eat seasonally. This is the best way to keep variety in your diet. Hit a farmers’ market (or even your supermarket) with an eye toward the newest produce. Sure, your old standbys (like apples and bananas) are great year-round, but spring asparagus or summer peaches can be much more satisfying.
Add spice. The right herbs and spices can take any meal from drab to delicious. Experiment with cilantro (great in a marinade for lean beef), fresh mint (try it in a multigrain pasta salad) and cumin (perfect with salmon). Or go ethnic with easy ingredients like a Moroccan spice blend or Asian chili sauce. For recipe ideas, go to
Dab on condiments. A lowfat diet can seem low on flavor, so reintroduce smaller amounts of higher-fat items. Just a tablespoon of pesto, blue cheese, guacamole or roasted red pepper hummus is all you need to punch up a sandwich or main course.
Try breakfast for dinner and vice versa. There’s nothing that says you can’t have a veggie omelet for dinner or a few slices of turkey with some fresh, crunchy veggies for breakfast.
Experiment. Test a new recipe that incorporates a type of lean protein you don’t eat often, like scallops or ground lamb.
Diet Derailer #2: You’re a Little too Comfortable
You’ve dropped 5, 10 or even 20 pounds and you’re feeling really confident. So confident, in fact, that you start to think nothing can mess with your success. Before you know it, you’re again reaching for a second glass of wine or an extra serving of yourfavorite dish (even if it’s a healthy one). You start to treat yourself to dessert once a day instead of once a week. “I can handle it,” you tell yourself. “I’ll make up for it later!” Meanwhile, those little extras are creeping up, and before you know it, so has the scale.
To Stay on Course...
Go back to basics. It’s normal for the scale to fluctuate a bit, but if you see that you’re 2 or 3 pounds heavier several weeks in a row, step into action. Review the Get-Real Basics and think about what you were originally doing that you’re not anymore. Did you plan your meals for the week ahead of time, but now you’re just winging it? Have you stopped keeping a food diary? Go back to the strategies that initially helped you succeed.
Indulge mindfully. Whether you’re just starting to lose weight or nearing your goal, you deserve to enjoy good food. “There’s no reason to feel deprived, hungry or punished,” says Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. The key is to decide what you really want and eat it mindfully, which may mean deciding when a treat is really worth it. You want to finish something delicious and think, “Wow, that was worth every calorie,” not, “I feel gross— why did I eat that?”
Visualize your success. Keep a picture of you at your fittest on your refrigerator, computer or desk to remind you what you’re striving for or hoping to maintain. Or jot on a notecard a list of the pros and cons of resisting or giving in to your urges. “Keeping it handy—like in your wallet—gives you easy access and reminds you why it’s worth it to do the hard work,” says New York City–based psychologist Andrea Jewell, PsyD.
Diet Derailer #3: You’re Taking a Vacation—and So is Your Diet
There’s just something about vacation that makes us all want to indulge. But a week’s worth of highcal meals and snacks can do serious damage. Sometimes the problem is a practical one (say, you’re on the road or at an airport with nothing but fast food in sight). But often the biggest roadblock is mental: You’re away, you want to enjoy yourself and you don’t want to follow any rules—including diet ones.
To Stay on Course...
Be realistic. Aim to maintain your weight during this time rather than lose. If you can come back from your trip without any extra baggage, consider yourself in good shape.
Plan ahead. Pack snacks like nuts and all-natural granola bars so you’ve got something on hand for difficult situations (a delayed flight, going a long time without meals). Skipping a satisfying snack may lead to overeating at mealtimes. If your best attempts to travel prepared go awry, seek out easy, accessible options like trail mix, fresh fruit, lowfat yogurt, lowfat popcorn or whole-wheat pretzels, most of which you’ll find almost anywhere these days.
Indulge wisely. Decadent doesn’t always mean high-cal. Go ahead and order the lobster (just go easy on the butter sauce) or even the filet mignon (think 4 to 6 ounces, not 16 ounces). And yes, you can eat dessert— but remember that tasty things come in small packages! So if you’re going out for ice cream, skip the sundae and get one small scoop of your favorite flavor. And sharing a dessert is always a sweet way to finish a meal.
Aim for balance. Pick one meal or snack as a daily splurge; the rest of the time, eat as close to normal as possible.
Diet Derailer #4: Parties, Parties Everywhere
If your social calendar is constantly full of barbecues, weddings, baby and bridal showers, and more, you’re likely faced with multicourse meals, heavy hors d’oeuvres platters, caloric desserts, cocktails…you name it. All that temptation would throw anyone off a healthy weightloss routine.
To Stay on Course...
Consider the “specialness” of the event. Is this the only barbecue you’re going to all summer? Then have one hot dog with all the trimmings if that’s what you really want. But if you’ll be barbecuing every weekend, take that into account. Don’t use “But it’s a celebration!” as an excuse to overdo it.
Don’t hit a party with a growling stomach. Saving up all day for a big event by skipping meals may set you up to eat more than you bargained for. Keep your metabolism and hunger levels steady by having a small balanced meal or substantial healthy snack before the party. You’ll be much better equipped to navigate food options and keep tabs on portion sizes if you don’t arrive starving.
Do a lap. If you’re at a cocktail party or buffet, don’t dive into the spread immediately. Instead, take some time to scope out what’s available. Save about ¼ of your plate for the fun stuff, like cheese fondue, mini quiche or fried calamari. The rest of your plate is for lighter foods, like fresh crudités with a little dip, or mini grilled beef or chicken skewers.
Think bout what’s negotiable—and what’s not. If you’re going to a wedding, you’re probably going to have a glass of champagne and a slice of wedding cake. So what’s skippable? That bland roll at your place setting or your side of potatoes, which you could have any day of the week.
Diet Derailer #5: You’re Stressed
It’s a fact: Food makes us feel good. There’s just something about warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies or creamy chicken pot pie that takes us right back to a place of comfort and calm. That might not be a problem if one cookie did the trick, but for most of us the soothing powers of a food disappear as soon as we stop eating it, says Dr. May. So we end up eating another—and another—in an attempt to recapture that fleeting feeling. And if you’re stressed, you may gobble down food without paying attention to what or how much you’re eating. Research has also found that cortisol, a stress hormone, may prompt you to eat more, especially sweets.
To Stay on Course...
Take a breather. It may sound silly, but the next time you have an impulse to reach for food (but you’re not really hungry), take a deep breath. It will give you a chance to relax and realize that eating will not solve whatever you’re stressed about, says Dr. Jewell. Aside from deep breathing, there are plenty of other non-food things you can do to cope. Try taking a long walk with a friend, reading a book or giving yourself a manicure.
Try a soothing substitute. The next time you’re craving a certain food, think about what’s so appealing about its taste and/or texture. If it’s sweetness you desire, how about a mug of hot chocolate made with skim milk? If you want something creamy, would lowfat pudding work as well as a piece of cream pie? If you feel the need to chomp, would crunchy carrots and celery be (nearly) as good as chips? (Get more ideas at
Get some rest. People who are chronically sleep-deprived may feel hungrier and have a yearning for high-carb foods (which are a quick source of energy), says research in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
Diet Advice That’s Making You Fat
7 Weight Loss Transformations Couples Edition
Diet Derailer #1: You’re Bored
In the beginning, dieting was kind of exciting. Yes, it was hard, but it was also an adventure—you got to think about food in a different way and try new recipes and meal plans. But once you did all that, the excitement probably died down. You figured out which foods fit into your plan, and you stuck with them. Is there anything wrong with oatmeal for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch and grilled chicken for dinner? Absolutely not. But if you eat that almost every day, chances are you won’t feel satisfied, which means you may need a larger portion to feel full. Or, just to beat the boredom, you might start reverting to the old high-cal favorites that you “gave up” when you decided to lose weight.
To Stay on Course...
Eat seasonally. This is the best way to keep variety in your diet. Hit a farmers’ market (or even your supermarket) with an eye toward the newest produce. Sure, your old standbys (like apples and bananas) are great year-round, but spring asparagus or summer peaches can be much more satisfying.
Add spice. The right herbs and spices can take any meal from drab to delicious. Experiment with cilantro (great in a marinade for lean beef), fresh mint (try it in a multigrain pasta salad) and cumin (perfect with salmon). Or go ethnic with easy ingredients like a Moroccan spice blend or Asian chili sauce. For recipe ideas, go to
Dab on condiments. A lowfat diet can seem low on flavor, so reintroduce smaller amounts of higher-fat items. Just a tablespoon of pesto, blue cheese, guacamole or roasted red pepper hummus is all you need to punch up a sandwich or main course.
Try breakfast for dinner and vice versa. There’s nothing that says you can’t have a veggie omelet for dinner or a few slices of turkey with some fresh, crunchy veggies for breakfast.
Experiment. Test a new recipe that incorporates a type of lean protein you don’t eat often, like scallops or ground lamb.
Diet Derailer #2: You’re a Little too Comfortable
You’ve dropped 5, 10 or even 20 pounds and you’re feeling really confident. So confident, in fact, that you start to think nothing can mess with your success. Before you know it, you’re again reaching for a second glass of wine or an extra serving of yourfavorite dish (even if it’s a healthy one). You start to treat yourself to dessert once a day instead of once a week. “I can handle it,” you tell yourself. “I’ll make up for it later!” Meanwhile, those little extras are creeping up, and before you know it, so has the scale.
To Stay on Course...
Go back to basics. It’s normal for the scale to fluctuate a bit, but if you see that you’re 2 or 3 pounds heavier several weeks in a row, step into action. Review the Get-Real Basics and think about what you were originally doing that you’re not anymore. Did you plan your meals for the week ahead of time, but now you’re just winging it? Have you stopped keeping a food diary? Go back to the strategies that initially helped you succeed.
Indulge mindfully. Whether you’re just starting to lose weight or nearing your goal, you deserve to enjoy good food. “There’s no reason to feel deprived, hungry or punished,” says Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. The key is to decide what you really want and eat it mindfully, which may mean deciding when a treat is really worth it. You want to finish something delicious and think, “Wow, that was worth every calorie,” not, “I feel gross— why did I eat that?”
Visualize your success. Keep a picture of you at your fittest on your refrigerator, computer or desk to remind you what you’re striving for or hoping to maintain. Or jot on a notecard a list of the pros and cons of resisting or giving in to your urges. “Keeping it handy—like in your wallet—gives you easy access and reminds you why it’s worth it to do the hard work,” says New York City–based psychologist Andrea Jewell, PsyD.
Diet Derailer #3: You’re Taking a Vacation—and So is Your Diet
There’s just something about vacation that makes us all want to indulge. But a week’s worth of highcal meals and snacks can do serious damage. Sometimes the problem is a practical one (say, you’re on the road or at an airport with nothing but fast food in sight). But often the biggest roadblock is mental: You’re away, you want to enjoy yourself and you don’t want to follow any rules—including diet ones.
To Stay on Course...
Be realistic. Aim to maintain your weight during this time rather than lose. If you can come back from your trip without any extra baggage, consider yourself in good shape.
Plan ahead. Pack snacks like nuts and all-natural granola bars so you’ve got something on hand for difficult situations (a delayed flight, going a long time without meals). Skipping a satisfying snack may lead to overeating at mealtimes. If your best attempts to travel prepared go awry, seek out easy, accessible options like trail mix, fresh fruit, lowfat yogurt, lowfat popcorn or whole-wheat pretzels, most of which you’ll find almost anywhere these days.
Indulge wisely. Decadent doesn’t always mean high-cal. Go ahead and order the lobster (just go easy on the butter sauce) or even the filet mignon (think 4 to 6 ounces, not 16 ounces). And yes, you can eat dessert— but remember that tasty things come in small packages! So if you’re going out for ice cream, skip the sundae and get one small scoop of your favorite flavor. And sharing a dessert is always a sweet way to finish a meal.
Aim for balance. Pick one meal or snack as a daily splurge; the rest of the time, eat as close to normal as possible.
Diet Derailer #4: Parties, Parties Everywhere
If your social calendar is constantly full of barbecues, weddings, baby and bridal showers, and more, you’re likely faced with multicourse meals, heavy hors d’oeuvres platters, caloric desserts, cocktails…you name it. All that temptation would throw anyone off a healthy weightloss routine.
To Stay on Course...
Consider the “specialness” of the event. Is this the only barbecue you’re going to all summer? Then have one hot dog with all the trimmings if that’s what you really want. But if you’ll be barbecuing every weekend, take that into account. Don’t use “But it’s a celebration!” as an excuse to overdo it.
Don’t hit a party with a growling stomach. Saving up all day for a big event by skipping meals may set you up to eat more than you bargained for. Keep your metabolism and hunger levels steady by having a small balanced meal or substantial healthy snack before the party. You’ll be much better equipped to navigate food options and keep tabs on portion sizes if you don’t arrive starving.
Do a lap. If you’re at a cocktail party or buffet, don’t dive into the spread immediately. Instead, take some time to scope out what’s available. Save about ¼ of your plate for the fun stuff, like cheese fondue, mini quiche or fried calamari. The rest of your plate is for lighter foods, like fresh crudités with a little dip, or mini grilled beef or chicken skewers.
Think bout what’s negotiable—and what’s not. If you’re going to a wedding, you’re probably going to have a glass of champagne and a slice of wedding cake. So what’s skippable? That bland roll at your place setting or your side of potatoes, which you could have any day of the week.
Diet Derailer #5: You’re Stressed
It’s a fact: Food makes us feel good. There’s just something about warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies or creamy chicken pot pie that takes us right back to a place of comfort and calm. That might not be a problem if one cookie did the trick, but for most of us the soothing powers of a food disappear as soon as we stop eating it, says Dr. May. So we end up eating another—and another—in an attempt to recapture that fleeting feeling. And if you’re stressed, you may gobble down food without paying attention to what or how much you’re eating. Research has also found that cortisol, a stress hormone, may prompt you to eat more, especially sweets.
To Stay on Course...
Take a breather. It may sound silly, but the next time you have an impulse to reach for food (but you’re not really hungry), take a deep breath. It will give you a chance to relax and realize that eating will not solve whatever you’re stressed about, says Dr. Jewell. Aside from deep breathing, there are plenty of other non-food things you can do to cope. Try taking a long walk with a friend, reading a book or giving yourself a manicure.
Try a soothing substitute. The next time you’re craving a certain food, think about what’s so appealing about its taste and/or texture. If it’s sweetness you desire, how about a mug of hot chocolate made with skim milk? If you want something creamy, would lowfat pudding work as well as a piece of cream pie? If you feel the need to chomp, would crunchy carrots and celery be (nearly) as good as chips? (Get more ideas at
Get some rest. People who are chronically sleep-deprived may feel hungrier and have a yearning for high-carb foods (which are a quick source of energy), says research in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
Friday, June 11, 2010
How to Prevent Love Chub
By Jill Waldbieser for Women's Health Magazine
Falling in love can make you feel all soft and gooey inside. Unfortunately, it can have the same effect on your outside. Skip a workout here, order some greasy takeout there, and before you know it, you have more than just butterflies in your stomach—you've got a full-on jelly roll hanging over your waistband. Or as Lauren Conrad, former star of The Hills, put it: You've acquired the dreaded "boyfriend layer."
"When we get comfortable in a relationship, we establish new habits together that aren't always the best for our weight," says Amy Gorin, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut. WH has identified five of the behaviors that can lead to a serious case of love chub. But don't worry—we've also included easy fixes.
When you're single, you tend to prepare healthy foods at home. But once you're in a relationship, it's decadent dinner dates followed by caloric brunches. "Couples bond over food, and enjoying it becomes a special ritual in their relationship," says nutritionist Christine Avanti, author of Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads. That's bad news for your waistline: A Men's Health analysis of 24 national chains revealed that the average entree at a sit-down restaurant contains 867 calories. And that doesn't include apps, sides, and dessert.
Too much eating out? Are your friends a fat influence?
THE FIX: EAT IN. "Cooking together can be intimate," says Elizabeth Ward, R.D., a nutritionist in Boston. "Food is very sensual, especially when you take turns tasting it." Plus, of course, you can control the fat and calories by using healthy recipes and ingredients that are low in fat. When you do dine out, eat a healthy snack that contains protein and fiber a few hours before your meal. "Women often skimp all day when they're going out at night," Ward says. "But that leaves them so hungry that they end up overdoing it." Nonfat yogurt and a piece of fruit or a small bowl of cereal with lowfat milk are smart choices.
Or on the couch. Or anywhere but the gym. A study last year in the journal Obesity found that couples who live together for two or more years are less likely to be physically active, and the women are more likely to become obese. "As positive as relationships can be, they also change your routine," says Martin Binks, Ph.D., director of Binks Behavioral Health. "You schedule more couple's events and have less time to yourself." Drinks with your new guy... or a date with the old treadmill? It's not exactly a tough choice.
Try the Better Sex Diet.
THE FIX: GET HIM INVOLVED. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who exercised with a partner lost more weight than those who sweated solo. "When people do something together, they're more likely to stick with it," explains Karen Miller-Kovach, R.D., author of He Loses, She Loses. So sign up together for a 5-K, go for a bike ride instead of watching a movie, or join the same gym. When you don't feel like going, he'll drag you there, and you'll do the same for him.
It's tough to stick to petite portions when your dining companion downs 500 to 1,500 more calories a day than you do. "Women develop 'portion distortion,' " Ward says. "You don't recognize a normal-size serving anymore because you're always eating with a guy who consumes huge platefuls of food." He might be able to get away with it (guys have more muscle mass, so they require more calories), but shoveling in all those extra forkfuls will eventually catch up with you.
THE FIX: SERVE YOURSELF LESS. Eat about three-quarters of what he'seating. Sorry, but women burn 26 percent fewer calories than men do, soat that rate you'll just about break even, says clinical psychologistSusan Albers, Psy.D., author of 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food.
37 Yummy protein-packed meals for more weight loss.
HIS SNACKS ARE YOUR SNACKS You might not buy chips for yourself, but when he leaves the bag out on the coffee table, you need supreme willpower to ignore it. A study from Newcastle University's Human Nutrition Research Centre found that women were more likely to adopt their partner's eating habits than vice versa. "It's one way women connect with men," says Stacy Kaiser, a licensed psychotherapist based in Southern California.
THE FIX: KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. You have two diet-friendly choices: Serve yourself a small amount of his snack and put it on a plate (dipping your hand into the bag over and over again leads to diet disaster), or do what Ward suggests and have a portion-controlled, lower-calorie alternative on hand to munch while he takes down that bag of chips or pint of ice cream. Popchips (120 calories per serving, with just three servings in a big bag!) can satisfy your salt craving, while hockey-puck-size Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches (140 calories) fill in nicely for fattening frozen treats. And they're so good, who knows, you may even convert him.
Research shows that what's good for your heart may be bad for your hips. A study published last year in the journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine found that happy people were less likely to succeed at losing weight than those with a "slightly negative and cautious outlook."
THE FIX: WEIGH IN OFTEN. It's great to accept your body and not obsess over every last calorie, but it's hard to feel good about yourself when none of your pants fit. To prevent your eating habits from spiraling out of control, Miller-Kovach recommends regular weigh-ins. "Studies have shown that once you pass the five-pound mark, weight gain can take off like a runaway train," she says. Seeing the scale creep toward that mark can be a call to action. Still need convincing? Women in a Duke University study who lost as little as 10 percent of their body weight reported dramatic improvements in the bedroom. "Research shows that people who are more active and happier with their bodies have more satisfying sex lives," Ward says. If that's not motivation, we don't know what is.
Falling in love can make you feel all soft and gooey inside. Unfortunately, it can have the same effect on your outside. Skip a workout here, order some greasy takeout there, and before you know it, you have more than just butterflies in your stomach—you've got a full-on jelly roll hanging over your waistband. Or as Lauren Conrad, former star of The Hills, put it: You've acquired the dreaded "boyfriend layer."
"When we get comfortable in a relationship, we establish new habits together that aren't always the best for our weight," says Amy Gorin, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut. WH has identified five of the behaviors that can lead to a serious case of love chub. But don't worry—we've also included easy fixes.
When you're single, you tend to prepare healthy foods at home. But once you're in a relationship, it's decadent dinner dates followed by caloric brunches. "Couples bond over food, and enjoying it becomes a special ritual in their relationship," says nutritionist Christine Avanti, author of Skinny Chicks Don't Eat Salads. That's bad news for your waistline: A Men's Health analysis of 24 national chains revealed that the average entree at a sit-down restaurant contains 867 calories. And that doesn't include apps, sides, and dessert.
Too much eating out? Are your friends a fat influence?
THE FIX: EAT IN. "Cooking together can be intimate," says Elizabeth Ward, R.D., a nutritionist in Boston. "Food is very sensual, especially when you take turns tasting it." Plus, of course, you can control the fat and calories by using healthy recipes and ingredients that are low in fat. When you do dine out, eat a healthy snack that contains protein and fiber a few hours before your meal. "Women often skimp all day when they're going out at night," Ward says. "But that leaves them so hungry that they end up overdoing it." Nonfat yogurt and a piece of fruit or a small bowl of cereal with lowfat milk are smart choices.
Or on the couch. Or anywhere but the gym. A study last year in the journal Obesity found that couples who live together for two or more years are less likely to be physically active, and the women are more likely to become obese. "As positive as relationships can be, they also change your routine," says Martin Binks, Ph.D., director of Binks Behavioral Health. "You schedule more couple's events and have less time to yourself." Drinks with your new guy... or a date with the old treadmill? It's not exactly a tough choice.
Try the Better Sex Diet.
THE FIX: GET HIM INVOLVED. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who exercised with a partner lost more weight than those who sweated solo. "When people do something together, they're more likely to stick with it," explains Karen Miller-Kovach, R.D., author of He Loses, She Loses. So sign up together for a 5-K, go for a bike ride instead of watching a movie, or join the same gym. When you don't feel like going, he'll drag you there, and you'll do the same for him.
It's tough to stick to petite portions when your dining companion downs 500 to 1,500 more calories a day than you do. "Women develop 'portion distortion,' " Ward says. "You don't recognize a normal-size serving anymore because you're always eating with a guy who consumes huge platefuls of food." He might be able to get away with it (guys have more muscle mass, so they require more calories), but shoveling in all those extra forkfuls will eventually catch up with you.
THE FIX: SERVE YOURSELF LESS. Eat about three-quarters of what he'seating. Sorry, but women burn 26 percent fewer calories than men do, soat that rate you'll just about break even, says clinical psychologistSusan Albers, Psy.D., author of 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food.
37 Yummy protein-packed meals for more weight loss.
HIS SNACKS ARE YOUR SNACKS You might not buy chips for yourself, but when he leaves the bag out on the coffee table, you need supreme willpower to ignore it. A study from Newcastle University's Human Nutrition Research Centre found that women were more likely to adopt their partner's eating habits than vice versa. "It's one way women connect with men," says Stacy Kaiser, a licensed psychotherapist based in Southern California.
THE FIX: KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. You have two diet-friendly choices: Serve yourself a small amount of his snack and put it on a plate (dipping your hand into the bag over and over again leads to diet disaster), or do what Ward suggests and have a portion-controlled, lower-calorie alternative on hand to munch while he takes down that bag of chips or pint of ice cream. Popchips (120 calories per serving, with just three servings in a big bag!) can satisfy your salt craving, while hockey-puck-size Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches (140 calories) fill in nicely for fattening frozen treats. And they're so good, who knows, you may even convert him.
Research shows that what's good for your heart may be bad for your hips. A study published last year in the journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine found that happy people were less likely to succeed at losing weight than those with a "slightly negative and cautious outlook."
THE FIX: WEIGH IN OFTEN. It's great to accept your body and not obsess over every last calorie, but it's hard to feel good about yourself when none of your pants fit. To prevent your eating habits from spiraling out of control, Miller-Kovach recommends regular weigh-ins. "Studies have shown that once you pass the five-pound mark, weight gain can take off like a runaway train," she says. Seeing the scale creep toward that mark can be a call to action. Still need convincing? Women in a Duke University study who lost as little as 10 percent of their body weight reported dramatic improvements in the bedroom. "Research shows that people who are more active and happier with their bodies have more satisfying sex lives," Ward says. If that's not motivation, we don't know what is.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Traveling Safely as a Woman
In my classes, women often ask, "Is it safe for a woman to travel alone through Europe?" This is a question best answered by women. Europe Through the Back Door researcher Risa Laib wrote this chapter based on her solo experience and tips contributed from other travelers: Gail Morse, Peggy Roberts, Suzanne Hogsett, Bharti Kirchner, Kendra Roth, Gretchen Strauch, Ann Neel, and Heidi Sewell. Collectively, these women have more than a decade of solo travel experience in dozens of countries.
Note that many of these tips are equally useful for anyone traveling solo — male or female.
Every year, thousands of women, young and old, travel to Europe on their own. You're part of a grand group of adventurers. Traveling alone, you'll have the chance to make your own discoveries and the freedom to do what you like. It becomes habit-forming.
As a solo woman, you're more approachable than a couple or a solo man. You'll make friends from all over the world, and you'll have experiences that others can only envy. When you travel with a partner, you need to compromise, your focus narrows, and doors close. When you're on your own, you're open to the moment.
Your friends and family may try to talk you out of solo travel, worrying for your safety and regaling you with horror stories. Remind them — and yourself — that millions of women have traveled alone, and will continue to do so time and time again.
Solo travel is fun, challenging, vivid, and exhilarating. It's a gift from you to you. Prepared with good information and a positive attitude, you'll thrive in Europe. And you'll come home stronger and more confident than ever before. Here's how to make it happen.
Getting Inspired
Read exciting books written by solo women travelers about their experiences (try Dervla Murphy's outrageous adventures). For practical advice, read "how-to" travel guidebooks written by and for women (such as those listed in the sidebar at right).
Seek out other women travelers. Invite them out for dinner and pepper them with questions. Visit online forums for your destination and send email to other women for advice.
Take classes. A foreign-language course is ideal. Consider a class in European history, art history, or travel skills.
Keep up on international news so you can discuss local politics. Study a map of Europe — get to know your neighbors.
Pretend you're traveling alone before you ever leave America. Practice reaching out. Strike up conversations with people in the grocery line. Consciously become more adaptable. If it rains, marvel at the miracle.
Think hard about what you want to see and do. Create the vacation of your dreams.
Facing the Challenges
These are probably your biggest fears: vulnerability to theft, harassment, and loneliness. Take heart. You can tackle each of these concerns head-on. If you've traveled alone in America, you're more than prepared for Europe. In America, theft and harassment are especially scary because of their connection with assault. In Europe, you'll rarely, if ever, hear of violence. Theft is past tense (as in, "Where did my wallet go?"). As for experiencing harassment, you're far more likely to think, "I'm going to ditch this guy ASAP" than, "This guy is going to hurt me."
Loneliness is often the most common fear. But, remember, if you get lonely, you can do something about it.
For tips on women's health concerns and traveling while pregnant, see Women's Health on the Road.
Traveling Alone Without Feeling Lonely
Here are some tips on meeting people, eating out, and enjoying your evenings.
Meeting people: Stay in hostels and you'll have a built-in family (hostels are open to all ages). Or choose small pensions and B&Bs, where the owners have time to talk with you. At most tourist sites, you'll meet more people in an hour than you would at home in a day. If you're feeling shy, cameras are good icebreakers; offer to take someone's picture with their camera.
Take your laundry and a deck of cards to a launderette and turn solitaire into gin rummy. You'll end up with a stack of clean clothes and conversations.
If traveling with an MP3 player (such as an iPod), bring along a Y-jack and a second set of headphones to share your music.
Take a walking tour of a city (ask at the tourist information office). You'll learn about the town and meet other travelers, too. If you're staying in a hostel, check their boards — some also arrange tours.
It's easy to meet people on buses and trains. You're always welcome at a church service; stay for the coffee hour. When you meet locals who speak English, find out what they think — about anything.
Play with kids. Learn how to say "pretty baby" in the native language. If you play peek-a-boo with a baby or fold an origami bird for a kid, you'll make friends with the parents as well as the children.
Try pairing up with another solo traveler. Stay for a while in a small town or return to a city you enjoyed. The locals will remember you, you'll know the neighborhood, and it'll feel like home.
Eating out: Consider quick and cheap alternatives to formal dining. Try a self-service café, a local-style fast-food restaurant, or a small ethnic eatery. Visit a supermarket deli and get a picnic to eat in the square or a park (families often frequent parks). Get a slice of pizza from a take-out shop and munch it as you walk along, people-watching and window-shopping. Eat in the members' kitchen of a hostel; you'll always have companions. Make it a potluck.
A restaurant feels cheerier at noon than at night. If you like company, eat in places so crowded and popular that you have to share a table or ask other single travelers if they'd like to join you. Assume that many couples would enjoy a third party at their dinner table to stoke the conversation.
If you eat alone, be busy. Use the time to learn more of the language. Practice your verbal skills with the waiter or waitress (when I asked a French waiter if he had kids, he proudly showed me a picture of his twin girls). Read a guidebook, a novel, or the International Herald Tribune. Do trip-planning, draw in your journal, or scrawl a few postcards to the folks back home.
An afternoon at a café is a great way to get some writing done; for the cost of a beverage and a snack, you'll be granted more peace and privacy than at a public fountain or other open space.
Most countries have a type of dish or restaurant that's fun to experience with a group. When you run into tourists during the day, make plans for dinner. Invite them to join you for, say, a rijsttafel dinner in the Netherlands, a smörgåsbord in Scandinavia, a fondue in Switzerland, a paella feast in Spain, or a spaghetti feed in an Italian trattoria.
At night: Experience the magic of European cities at night. Go for a walk along well-lit streets. With gelato in hand, enjoy the parade of people, busy shops, and illuminated monuments. Night or day, you're invariably safe when lots of people are around. Take advantage of the wealth of evening entertainment: concerts, movies, puppet shows, and folk dancing. Some cities offer tours after dark. You can see Paris by night on a river cruise.
During the evening, visit an Internet café. Send travel news to your friends and family. You'll find friendly answers in your inbox the next time you have the opportunity to get online.
If you like to stay in at night, get a room with a balcony overlooking a square. You'll have a front-row seat to the best show in town. An MP3 player loaded with familiar tunes can also help cheer you. Call home, a friend, your family. With cheap international phone cards, it's actually inexpensive. Read novels set in the country you're visiting. Learn to treasure solitude. Go early to bed, be early to rise. Shop at a lively morning market for fresh rolls and join the locals for coffee.
Protecting Yourself from Theft
As a woman, you're often perceived as being more vulnerable to theft than a man. Here are some tips to help keep you safe.
Carry a daypack instead of a purse. Leave expensive-looking jewelry at home. Keep your valuables in your money belt and tuck your wallet (containing only a day's worth of cash) in your front pocket. Keep your camera zipped up in your daypack. In crowded places (buses, subways, street markets), carry your daypack over your chest or firmly under one arm. Ask at your hotel or the tourist office if there's a neighborhood you should avoid, and mark it on your map.
Avoid tempting people into theft. Make sure valuables in your hotel room are kept out of sight. Wear your money belt when you sleep in hostels. When you're sightseeing, never set down anything of value (such as a camera, wallet, or railpass). Either hold it in your hand or keep it zipped away. If you're sitting down to rest, eat, or check your email, loop a strap of your daypack around your arm, leg, or chair leg. Remember, you're unlikely ever to be hurt by thieves. They want to separate you from your valuables efficiently and painlessly, without alerting you.
Dealing with Men
In small European towns, men are often more likely to speak English than women. If you never talk to men, you could miss out on a chance to learn about the country. So, by all means, talk to men. Just choose the men and choose the setting.
In northern Europe, you won't draw any more attention from men than you do in America. In southern Europe, particularly in Italy, you'll get more attention than you're used to, but it's usually in the form of the "long look" — nothing you can't handle.
Be aware of cultural differences. In the Mediterranean world, when you smile and look a man in the eyes, it's often considered an invitation. Wear dark sunglasses and you can stare all you want.
Dress modestly to minimize attention from men. Take your cue from what the local women wear. In Italy, slacks and skirts (even short ones) are considered more proper than shorts.
Wear a real or fake wedding ring and carry a picture of a real or fake husband. There's no need to tell men that you're traveling alone, or whether you're actually married or single. Lie unhesitatingly. You're traveling with your husband. He's waiting for you at the hotel. He's a professional wrestler who retired from the sport for psychological reasons.
If you'd like to date a guy, meet him at a public place. Tell him you're staying at a hostel — you have a 10 p.m. curfew and 29 roommates. Better yet, bring a couple of your roommates along to meet him. After the introductions, let everyone know where you're going and when you'll return.
Handling Harassment
The way you handle harassment at home works in Europe, too.
In southern Europe, men may think that if you're alone, you're available. Keep your stride confident and look away from men trying to attract your attention. If a man comes too close to you, say "no" firmly in the local language. That's usually all it takes. Tell a slow learner that you want to be alone. Then ignore him. (Some women pretend they don't understand English by shrugging and mumbling a phrase in another language.)
If he's obnoxious, solicit the help of others. Ask people at a café or on the beach if you can join them for a while.
If he's well-meaning but too persistent, talk openly to him. Turn him into an ally. If he's a northern Italian, ask him about southern Italian men. Get advice from him on how you can avoid harassment when you travel farther south. After you elicit his "help," he'll be more like a brother than a bother to you.
Usually men are just seeing if you're interested. Only a few are difficult. If a man makes a lewd gesture, look away and leave the scene. Harassers don't want public attention drawn to their behavior. I went out for a walk in Madrid one evening, and a man came up much too close to me, scaring me. I shouted, "Get!" And he was gone. I think I scared him as much as he scared me. Ask a local woman for just the right thing to say to embarrass jerks. Learn how to say it, loudly. (The Rick Steves Phrase Books have a whole section on phrases handy for women.)
If you feel like you're being followed, trust your instincts. Don't worry about overreacting or seeming foolish. Forget ladylike behavior — start screaming and acting crazy if the situation warrants it. Or head to the nearest hotel and chat up the person behind the desk until your would-be admirer moves on. Ask the hotelier to call you a cab to take you to your own hotel, hostel, or B&B.
If you feel the need to carry mace, take a self-defense class instead. Mace will be confiscated at the airport, but knowledge and confidence are yours to keep. And, remember, the best self-defense is common sense.
Traveling Smart
Create conditions that are likely to turn out in your favor. By following these tips, you'll have a safer, smoother, more enjoyable trip.
Be self-reliant so that you don't need to depend on anybody unless you want to. Always carry cash, food, water, a map, a guidebook, and a phrase book. When you need help, ask another woman or a family.
When you use cash machines, withdraw cash during the day on a busy street, not at night when it's dark with too few people around.
Walk purposefully with your head up. Look like you know where you're going. Use landmarks (such as church steeples) to navigate. If you get lost in an unfriendly neighborhood, go into a restaurant or store to ask for directions or to study your map.
Learn enough of the language to get by. With a few hours' work you'll know more than most tourists and be better prepared to deal with whatever situation arises. At a bus station in Turkey, I witnessed a female tourist repeatedly asking in English, louder and louder, "When does the bus leave?" The frustrated ticket clerk kept answering her in Turkish, "Now, now, now!" If you know even just a little of the language, you'll make it much easier on yourself and those around you.
Before you leave a city, consider visiting the train or bus station you're going to leave from, so you'll know where it is, how long it takes to reach it, and what services it has. Note if the station seems clean, well-lit, and safe. Reconfirm your departure time.
Skip hitchhiking. But if you absolutely have to hitch, choose people to ask, instead of being chosen. Try your luck at a gas station, restaurant, on a ferry, or in the parking lot of a tourist attraction. Ideally, pair up with another traveler.
When taking the train, avoid staying in empty compartments, especially at night. Rent a couchette for overnight trains. For about $30, you'll stay with like-minded roommates in a compartment you can lock, in a car monitored by an attendant. You'll wake reasonably rested with your belongings intact.
It's possible to ask for a female roommate on overnight trains. (You'll have better luck if the train isn't crowded.) Some countries, such as Spain, are better about accommodating these requests than others. In France, a one-bed compartment closest to the conductor is set aside for women, but it's the most expensive type of accommodation. In general, ask what the options are, make the request to bunk with other women, and hope for the best — but don't count on it.
If you're departing late at night and the bus or train station is sketchy, ask your B&B owner if you can hang out in their breakfast room — generally untouched in the evening — until you need to leave for the station. Cafés, including busy Internet cafés, which are often open late, can also be a better spot to kill time than the train station waiting room. (If you arrive at a train station you'll later be departing from, note if the station seems clean, well-lit, and safe.)
If you're not fluent in the language, accept the fact that you won't always know what's going on. There's a reason why the Greek bus driver drops you off in the middle of nowhere. It's a transfer point, and another bus will come along in a few minutes. You'll often discover that the locals are looking out for you.
The same good judgment you use at home applies to Europe. Start out cautious and figure out as you travel what feels safe to you.
Treat yourself right — get enough rest, healthy food, and exercise. Walking is a great way to combine exercise and sightseeing. I've jogged alone in cities and parks throughout Europe without any problems. If a neighborhood looks seedy, head off in another direction.
Relax. There are other trains, other buses, other cities, other people. If one thing doesn't work out, something else will. Thrive on optimism. Have a grand adventure!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
8 Dating Mistakes Even Smart Girls Make
by Brenda Della Casa for Glamour Magazine
Dating Mistake #1: Being Too Available
We’re not suggesting you play games (ok maybe we are a little), but we are telling you to indulge your passions and resist the urge to abandon your social circle every time your new man sends an invitation. Take Sebastian, 34, from Chicago, for example: “When I was single, there were women I initially liked who seemed to be waiting by the phone for me to call, which let me know if I didn’t meet someone else I wanted to date, I had a standby. There just wasn’t anything to work for, and that turned me off,” he says. The more you engage in and enjoy your life, the more he’ll work to be a part of it.Dating Mistake #2: Trying to Rehabilitate a Bad Boy
Ending a relationship is rarely easy, and though flying solo might not be your long-term goal, being on your own is better than feeling alone in a relationship with someone who treats you poorly. Even when it might be tempting to give a toxic romance one more try, knowing when to cut your losses and move on leaves you available and baggage-free when the right guy comes along.Dating Mistake #3: Looking for Perfection
Encouraging you to settle isn’t our style, but separating your desires from your deal-breakers can give your love life a major upgrade. “There are some qualities that your mate must have—being honest, for example—and others, such as movie-star looks, that should be thrown in the would-be-nice category,” says Elizabeth R. Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. “Sit down and realistically figure out what characteristics are nonnegotiable and then be open-minded about the rest.”Dating Mistake #4: Feeling Sorry for Yourself
Resist the urge to bemoan your single status (which will only make him wonder why you find yourself such terrible company) and use this time to date yourself. Taking a dance class at the local studio, hitting up the exhibit you have been aching to see and trying out the new wine bar on the corner will not only offer you the chance to have more fun but will also leave you more likely to meet someone who shares your interests. So much better than sitting in your apartment waiting for someone to “wink” at your online profile picture, isn’t it? Another bonus? You’ll have far more interesting things to talk about over dinner than what your boss made you do on your lunch break last Friday.Dating Mistake #5: Knowing His Thread-Count Before You Know His Phone Number
Getting it on with a sexy stranger is your natural-born right, but according to many guys, it can be the wrong move if you’re looking for long-term love.
Follow the advice of super-sexy leading man Gilles Marini (he was Samantha’s sexy neighbor in Sex and the City: The Movie): “Men love women who respect themselves and who do not rush into bed with them but instead go on a few dates, where they can start to gain an understanding of each other and then decide whether or not to take things further. Women need to know that taking it slow and getting to know one another is the best way to get into a good relationship,” he says.
Dating Mistake #6: Being Too Selfish in Your Relationship
One of the downsides of being independent is that it can lead to some self-absorbed tendencies—a huge turnoff for men looking for a serious relationship, says Ming Gregory, a professional matchmaker at Color Blind International Dating Service. So make sure you’re giving as much as you’re receiving in your next relationship. “A partnership involves two people who share mutual interests and mutually benefit one another,” she says. “It’s not just about what being with him can provide you; it’s about how you can come together to complement each other.”Dating Mistake #7: Believing in The One
“A lot of women make dating more difficult by placing so much pressure on themselves to find the one-and-only-man-in-a-billion they believe is right for them,” says Ali, 35, from Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Instead of convincing yourself the ex you dumped was your soul mate or that perfect-but-married co-worker was your one that got away, take a cue from our male counterparts and approach the dating scene with the idea that there are plenty of men who are capable of making you laugh, sharing your values and melting your heart, and you’re going to have fun with several of them until you find one worthy of your commitment.
Dating Mistake #8: Forgetting Your Manners
We can’t imagine this is something you’d ever do, but a little reminder never hurts: Say thank you.
“Good manners have become so old-fashioned that men now wait for the thank-you at the end of the date as a way to see if she’s worth seeing again,” says Brian, 30, from New York City. “I don’t care if the woman looks like Kate Beckinsale and has a Ph.D.; if she can’t be bothered to utter those two little words, I am never calling her again."
Be smart and always protect your hearts, you smarty pants doll you!
Krazy About Kombucha
One day in 1995, Millennium Products founder GT Dave's life came crashing down when he heard that his mother had just been diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of breast cancer. After a week of emotional turmoil, he was relieved to find out that her breast cancer had not spread, and that the pungent-tasting cultured tea that she had been drinking was part of the reason why. GT was touched by how Kombucha had helped his mom and was inspired to begin making it from the kitchen of his house. Fast forward 10 years: GT's Kombuhca has grown from its humble beginnings to a full-fledged company that makes over a dozen different varieties of Kombucha products distributed throughout most of the U.S.
What is it?
It orginated several thousands of years ago in Asia. According to records that date as far as 221 BC, it is believed to have first been consumed in China where it was named "The Drink of Immortality." It later spread to Japan, Russia, India, and Europe. Those who drank the beverage attributed their longevity and their immunity to metabolic diseases to their daily consumption of it.
What does it do?
Kombucha is not an herb, a drug, or a medicine. It is basically a super healthy food that helps to rid the body of toxins. Toxins can come from environmental, emotional, or dietary sources. When the body is in a toxic state, its immune system can be weighed down and weakened. Many illnesses and health conditions can be symptoms of a build up of toxins. Toxicity can cause a severe imbalance in the body. But through detoxification, the body can be restored to a stronger and healthier state. Once this occurs, the body is more capable of healing itself.
The amazing part of GT's Kombucha is that all its nutrients are naturally created and do not come from "chemical engineering." The probiotics, enzymes, and natural detoxifiers are all formed during the culturing period. Therefore, they assimilate completely in the body for maximum benefits.
Studies show Kombucha contains vital nutrients that are extremely beneficial for strengthening the body's natural defense against disease and illness. The nutrients found in Kombucha are:

Glucoronic Acid: This is a natural liver detoxifier. It binds with the toxins that build up in the liver and forces them out of the body's system.
Natural Antibiotics: These antibiotics only target the "bad" bacteria and naturally prevent and treat infections. (Note: The antibiotics in Kombucha are not to be confused with the unfavorable antibiotics which are prescribed by physicians or the ones used in meats and dairy).
Probiotic Cultures: These are beneficial bacteria that are crucial for healthy intestinal flora. They work together with the immune system to ensure that the body's natural defenses are in optimum condition.
Other Nutrients: Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
Mucointisulfat Acid: Repairs the stomach lining.
Folic Acid: Assists in the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.
Drink it Daily, Feel it Forever:
Unfortunately, our bodies are bombarded by impurities on a regular basis. To help counteract this, GT's Kombucha can be consumed on a daily basis to help detoxify and flush out toxins. When drinking it for the first time, start off with 6-8 ounces and then gradually increases to an amount that you are comfortable with. There is no wrong way to drink GT's Kombucha. It can be consumed before, during, or after meals. Most people prefer to drink it first thing in the morning, but it can also be taken in the later part of the day for a natural energy lift. GT's Kombucha is also great for replenishing after yoga, Pilates, cardio, or weight training.
Kombucha Supports:
Immune system
Weight control
Liver function
Body alkalinity
Cell integrity
Healthy skin & hair
Find this drink of magic at a local health food store like Trader Joe's or Henry's today!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Chicisimo: A fashion life-changer
A website about real fashion on real girls from around the world that breaks down clothes & accessories by type, brand, color, and country, complete with links to where you can even purchase each item? Umm YES please!!!
Spain knows what's up
So does the Netherlands
And Germany...
And Australia...
And China...
And the list goes on & on...Thanks, Chicisimo!
Real fashion on real people
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